The First Israeli Conference
on Plasma Physics and Applications

Tau Auditorium, Wolfson Building of Mechanical Engineering,
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv

The aim of the conference

Exchange of scientific information and technology in all fields of plasma physics and its applications and to get to know the requirements of the Israeli industry in these fields. As in any scientific field, the forefront of the different fields grow further and further apart as the scientists become more and more specialized in their fields. As a results, the exchange of ideas between theoreticians and experimentalists on the one hand and between people in the academic world and those working in industry on the other hand is of vital importance. The committee will attempt to make the conference as productive and interesting for all its participants.

Conference program

The scientific activities will consist of four consecutive oral sessions and a poster session. Each oral session will have four lectures of 20 minutes each (15 minutes lecture and 5 minutes for questions and discussion). The different sessions will include talks on following topics:

basic plasma physicsfusion reactors
industrial plasma physicsastrophysical plasmas
radiation sourcesplasma systems etc.
Lectrures will be conducted in Hebrew or English.


30/1/1998Deadline for abstract submission (English)
5/2/1998Announcement of the conference schedule
Conference program is available here.
Abstract not exceeding one page and mentioning the preferred session should be sent to Michael Mond by mail:

Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Ben Gurion University,
Beer Sheva 84105

or by fax to 07-6472813, or via e-mail to mond@menix.bgu.ac.il.

Conference Committee:
Prof. Michael MondBen Gurion University, Chairman
Prof. Eli JerbyTel Aviv University
Dr. Ehud BeharHebrew University
Dr. Lev Pustil'nikMitzpe Kineret Laboratory
Dr. Yosef AshkenazySoreq Nuclear Research Center

The conference is sponsored by Tel Aviv University.

This document in Hebrew is available in MS-Word or PostScript.

Hosted by the WIS Plasma Laboratory