1-d and 2-d fluid and MHD codes

[picture of jet]

A contour plot of a 2-d fluid simulation plot of a jet with a Mach number of 20 entering an ambient pressure-matched region.

Fluid codes simply solve the fluid equations (Eulerian or Lagrangian) on a finite-difference grid. There are other kinds of fluid codes that use finite-element techniques, but I don't know too much about those.

Most of my work has been on radiation hydrodynamics of astrophysical jets, like the one in SS 433 in the W50 Supernova remnant. I am now working on codes to model the high-density Z-pinch experiment at the Plasma Laboratory at the Weizmann Institute.

Recent References:

  1. W. Peter and D. Eichler, "Inertial collimation of astrophysical jets", to be published in The Astrophysical Journal (Dec. 10, 1994).
  2. W. Peter and D. Eichler, "Hydrodynamic collimation of precessing jets" The Astrophysical Journal 417, 170 (1993).
  3. W. Peter and D. Eichler, "Jet collimation by combining axisward motion and cooling," submitted to The Astrophysical Journal.

Bill Peter (peter@wicc.weizmann.ac.il)