"Reversed magnetic fields induced by a rotating E-beam", in Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion, Vol. II (International Atomic Energy Association, Vienna, 1979), p. 509.
"Propagation of a wide ion beam into a magnetic barrier" (with A. Ron and N. Rostoker), Phys. Fluids 22, 1471 (1979).
"Propagation of an intense ion beam transverse to a magnetic field" (with S. Robertson, H. Ishizuka, and N. Rostoker), Physical Review Letters 47, 508 (1981).
"Theory of plasma injection into a magnetic field" (with N. Rostoker), Phys. Fluids 25, 730 (1982).
"Criteria for vacuum breakdown in rf cavities" (with R.J. Faehl, A. Kadish, and L.E. Thode), IEEE Trans. Nuc. Sci. NS-30, 3453 (1983).
"Instability of the boundary layer between a plasma and a magnetic field" (with A. Ron and N. Rostoker), Phys. Fluids 26, 2276 (1983).
"Simulation studies of a novel betatron injection scheme" (with R.J. Faehl and F. Mako), in Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on High-Power Particle Beams (R.J. Briggs and A.J. Toepfer, eds.), p. 458 (1983).
"Vacuum breakdown and surface coating of rf cavities," J. Appl. Phys. 56, 1546 (1984).
"Interaction of a rotating relativistic electron beam with a plasma" (with N. Rostoker) Phys. Fluids 28, 1532 (1985).
"Current-voltage relation in a time-dependent diode" (with A. Kadish and M. E. Jones), Appl. Phys. Lett. 47, 115 (1985).
"Particle-in-cell simulations of the lasertron" (with M. E. Jones), IEEE Trans. Nuc. Sci. NS-32, 1794 (1985).
"A generalization of the Child-Langmuir relation for one-dimensional time-dependent diodes" (with A. Kadish and M.E. Jones), IEEE Trans. Nuc. Sci. NS-32, 2576 (1985).
"Considerations on collective ion acceleration as an intense ion injector" (with R.J. Faehl), IEEE Trans. Nuc. Sci. NS-32, 3500 (1985).
"Collective ion acceleration by means of virtual cathodes" (with R.J. Faehl, C. Snell, and M.E. Jones), IEEE Trans. Nuc. Sci. NS-32, 3506 (1985).
"Time-dependent interaction between space plasmas and transverse magnetic fields," IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci . PS-14, 925 (1986).
"Theory and simulation of high-brightness electron beam production from laser irradiated photocathodes" (with M.E. Jones) in Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on High-Power Particle Beams (C. Yamanaka, ed.), p. 774 (1986).
"Analytical and numerical studies of virtual cathode dynamics" (with R.J. Faehl, A. Kadish, and C.M. Snell) in Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on High-Power Particle Beams (C. Yamanaka, ed.), p. 556 (1986).
"Analysis of a microwave electron gun for accelerator applications" (with R.J. Faehl and M. E. Jones), Particle Accelerators 21, 59 (1987).
"Thermalization of synchrotron radiation from field-aligned currents" (with A.L. Peratt), Laser and Particle Beams 6, 492 (1988).
"Microwave propagation through an apertured coaxial waveguide," (with T.J.T. Kwan), Physical Review A 38, 4743 (1988).
"A comparison of the dielectric and plasma wakefield accelerators," (with R. Keinigs and M.E. Jones), Phys. Fluids B 1, 1872 (1989).
"Cherenkov wakefield accelerators: rippled waveguides," (with M.E. Jones, R.K. Keinigs, and S.C. Wilks), in Advanced Accelerator Concepts, AIP Conference Proceedings 193, (American Institute of Physics, New York, 1989), C. Joshi, ed., p. 152.
"Applicability of plasma wakefield acceleration to electric propulsion," (with R. Keinigs), in The Case for Mars III: Strategies for Exploration (C. Stoker, ed.), Science and Technology Series 75, (Univelt, San Diego, 1989), p. 423.
"Theory of highbrightness electron beam production from photocathodes" (with M.E. Jones), Particle Accelerators 24, 231 (1989).
"Synchrotron radiation spectrum from galactic-sized plasma filaments," (with A.L. Peratt), IEEE Trans. Plasma Science PS-18, 49(1990).
"3-Dimensional particle-in-cell simulations of spiral galaxies," (with A.L. Peratt and C.M. Snell), in Galactic and Intergalactic Magnetic Fields, (R. Beck et al., eds) (IAU, Netherlands, 1990), p. 143.
"Operation of an X-band dielectric Cherenkov maser amplifier," (with E. Garate, H. Kosai, A. Fisher, W. Main, J. Weatherall, and R. Cherry), in Intense Microwave and Particle Beams, H.E. Brandt, Ed., Proceedings of SPIE, 1226, 238 (1990).
"High-gain X-band dielectric Cherenkov maser," (with E. Garate, W. Main, and A. Fisher), Physical Review Letters, 65 2989 (1990).
"Plasma research trends in radiogalaxies and the cosmic microwave background," (with A.L. Peratt), in Research Trends in Plasma Science, J. Menon (Ed.), (1990).
"Electrode shapes for high-power diodes with non-space-charge-limited flow," J. Applied Physics 71, 3197 (1992).
"Stimulated Cherenkov emission in dielectric-lined waveguides" (with E. Garate), Physical Review A 45, 8333 (1992).
"Transverse wakefields in dielectric wakefield accelerators," (with M.E. Jones and R. Keinigs), Physical Review A 46, 5183 (1992).
"Gravitational instability in a Newtonian coasting universe," (with D.S. Lemons), Astronomy and Astrophysics 265, 373 (1992).
"Particle acceleration mechanisms in the auroral acceleration region," (with M. Gedalin) IEEE Trans. Plasma Science 20, 740 (1992).
"Two-beam virtual cathode accelerator", in Proc. of 1992 International Conference on Particle Beams, D. Mosher and G. Cooperstein, Eds., Washington D.C., p. 1819 (1992).
"Hydrodynamic collimation of precessing jets" (with D. Eichler), The Astrophysical Journal 417, 170 (1993).
"On simulations of galaxies of stars" (with E. Griv and A. L. Peratt), in Progress in New Cosmologies, H. Arp, C. R. Keys, and K. Rudnicki, Eds. (Plenum Press, Cambridge, 1993).
"Theoretical and numerical investigation of the stability of flattened galaxies" (with E. Griv), published in Ergodic Concepts in Stellar Dynamics. D. Pfenniger and V. G. Gurzadyan, Eds., in series Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 430, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1994, p. 235.
"A high-current micro-pulse electron gun" (with F. M. Mako), in Proc. of the 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington, D.C., (IEEE, New York, 1993), p. 2702.
"Maximum projectile velocity in an augmented railgun" (with E. Harold and B. Bukiet), IEEE Trans. Magnetics 30 (1994).
"The weakly nonlinear theory of density waves in a stellar disk," (with E. Griv and T. Chiueh), Physica A 205, 299 (1994).
"Inertial collimation of astrophysical jets" (with D. Eichler), The Astrophysical Journal 438, 244 (1995).
“Jet collimation by combining axisward motion and cooling,” (with D. Eichler),The Astrophysical Journal 466, 840 (1996).
"Stability of the stellar disks of flat galaxies: I. A collisionless, homogeneous system," (with E. Griv), The Astrophysical Journal 469, 84 (1996).
"Stability of the stellar disks of flat galaxies: II. The effect of spatial inhomogeneity," (with E. Griv), The Astrophysical Journal 469, 99 (1996).
“Stability of the stellar disks of flat galaxies: III. The effect of collisions," (with E. Griv), The Astrophysical Journal 469, 103 (1996).
“Advances in cold cathode physics and technology,” (with J. A. Nation, et al.), Proceedings of the IEEE 87, 865 (1999).
"Stereotactic techniques for Tc-99m sestaMIBI-guided biopsy of primary breast lesions” (with S. P. Kim, I. Khalkhali, R. Venegas, L. E. Diggles, H. I. Vargas, G. DeVincentes, and I. N. Weinberg), J. Nuclear Medicine 41(5):60P (2000).
"Simulated performance of radiotracer-guided breast biopsy” (with S. P. Kim, I. Khalkhali, L. E. Diggles, H. I. Vargas, and I. N. Weinberg), Radiology 217P:706 (2000).
“Design of biopsy-enabled intracavitary PET scanner for detection and delineation of prostate cancer,” (with I.N. Weinberg, L.P. Adler, V. Zawarzin, P. Stepanov, J. Zeng, B. Opell), presented at Prostate Cure Conference, San Diego, CA, February (2001).
“Flexible geometries for hand-held PET and SPECT, or ‘Wherever you go, there you are’,” (with I. N. Weinberg, V. Zavarzin, P. Stepanov, D. Beylin, E. Anashkin, R. Pani, G. DeVincentes, J. Zeng, and L. Adler), to be published in IEEE Trans. Nuclear Science.
“Resistive gradient coatings and high-voltage breakdown,” (with O. Zucker), to be published in J. Applied Physics.
“Current amplification for plasma radiation source loads,” (with O. Zucker and B. Weber), to be submitted to Phys. Rev. E.
“High-frequency multipacting limit," to be submitted to Physical Review ST.
“Quiet collisional PIC simulations with random time steps,” to be submitted to J. Comput. Phys.
"Applications of an object-oriented PIC code to problems in beam physics," 21st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Santa Fe, NM, June, 1994.
"Current status of particle-in-cell codes in Fortran," AFOSR Workshop on Object-Oriented Programming for Particle-in-Cell Plasma Simulations, Fairfax, VA, October 20, 1992
"Cosmology in the plasma universe," (with A. L. Peratt) 13th Krakow Summer School on Cosmology, Lodz, Poland, September 6-13, 1992.
"Cherenkov wakefield accelerators," (with M.E. Jones and R. Keinings) 1989 Workshop on Advanced Accelerators, Lake Arrowhead, CA, January 10-13, 1989.
"Synchrotron radiation spectrum from galactic-sized plasma filaments," (with A. L. Peratt) at NASA/IEEE International Conference on Plasma Cosmology, La Jolla, CA, February 20-22, 1989.
"Three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations of spiral galaxies," (with A.L. Peratt and C. M. Snell) at IAU Symposium on Galactic and Intergalactic Magnetic Fields, Heidelberg, West Germany, June 19-23, 1989.
"Object-Oriented PIC (OOPIC) Code Workshop", University of California, Berkeley, September, 1995.
"Wave-transmitting boundary conditions for PIC codes, Plasma Theory and Simulation Seminar, University of California, Berkeley, CA, August 26, 1993.
"Hydrodynamic collimation of precessing jets," Max Planck Insitut für Astrophysik, Garching bei München, Germany, April 7, 1992.
"Hydrodynamic collimation of precessing jets," Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, August 5, 1992.
"Hydrodynamic collimation of precessing jets," Joint Astrophysics Seminar, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, June 1992.
"High-power Cherenkov masers," Laboratoire Physique des Milieux Ionisés, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, September 23, 1991.