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The Third Israeli Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications

February 9, 2000
Ben Gurion University of the Negev,
Beer Sheva

Call for Papers

The aim of the conference
Exchange of scientific information and technology and sharing ideas, innovations, experience, and methodology in all aspects of plasma physics and its applications. As in any rapidly developing scientific area, the frontiers of knowledge in plasma physics are becoming increasingly isolated and the expertise of its practitioners is more and more specialized. Therefore, the exchange of ideas between theorists and experimentalists on one hand and between practitioners and industrialists on the other hand is of the utmost importance. Hence, researchers, industrialists and students are invited to participate in the conference and to present their work and recent research projects. The organizing committee will do its upmost to ensure that the conference is a fruitful and enjoyable event for all its participants.

The program
The scientific program will include four consecutive oral sessions and a poster session. Each oral session will include one presentation of 45 minutes (40 minutes for the lecture followed by a 5 minutes discussion) and two presentations of 20 minutes each (15 minutes for the lecture followed by a 5 minutes discussion). The following subjects will be discussed in the various sessions: basic plasma physics and astrophysics, radiation sources, plasma applications and industrial processes, thermonuclear fusion, interaction of laser and matter and more. The lectures will be delivered in English or in Hebrew.

15/1/2000 - Deadline for submitting abstracts (in English)
20/1/2000 - Notice of session assignment

The abstracts, not exceeding one page, with indication of the preferred session type (oral or poster) should be sent to Prof. Michael Mond, preferably through e-mail with file attachment to Mond@menix.bgu.ac.il or via regular mail to:

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel.

The program of the Conference is here.

Hosted by the WIS Plasma Laboratory Yes, it is Plasma-Gate