![]() | The First Israeli Conference
The conference is sponsored by Tel Aviv University.
08:30-08:45 | Registration |
08:45-09:00 | Opening Remarks - Reuven Boxman |
I. Basic Plasma Physics |
Chairperson: Yitzhak Maron
09:00-09:20 | V.Karpman | Whistler wave leakage from plasma ducts and solitons. |
09:20-09:40 | N.Kleeorin and I.Rogachevski | Intermittency in MHD plasmas. |
09:40-10:00 | P.Mandelbaum, E.Behar, R.Doron and J.L.Schwob | Indirect ionization and recombination processes for heavy metals in hot plasmas. |
10:00-10:20 | I.Rutkevich and M.Benilov | Two-dimensional instability of fast ionization waves in an external electric field. |
10:20-10:50 | Coffee Break and Posters |
II. Industrial Plasma Physics |
Chairperson: Avi Gover
10:50-11:10 | A.Fruchtman | Novel configurations for plasma processing. |
11:10-11:30 | S.Wald, G.Appelbaum, R.Alimi, S.Cuperman, C.Bruma, D.Zoler, L.Rabani, V.Zhitomirsky, M.Factor and I.Roman | Hard coating of metals and ceramics with new electro-thermal-chemical gun technology. |
11:30-11:50 | R.Arad, K.Tsigutkin, A.Fruchtman and Y.Maron | Spectroscopic investigation of a microsecond opening switch. |
11:50-12:10 | E.Gidalevich, R.L.Boxman and S.Goldsmith | Shock front formation in plasma coating devices. |
12:10-13:15 | Lunch and Posters |
13:15-14:00 | General Business Meeting |
III. Thermonuclear Fusion and Astrophysics |
Chairperson: Zohar Anis
14:00-14:20 | D.Eichler and S.Pistiner | Self-inhibiting heat-flux: Whistlers quasilinear theory. |
14:20-14:40 | S.Cuperman, C.Bruma and K.Komoshvili | Aspect ratio dependence of Alfven wave current drive and its efficience in simulated Tokamak plasmas: a systematic full-wave-equation investigation. |
14:40-15:00 | L.Pustil'nik | The solar flare in the plasma physicist's eyes. |
15:00-15:20 | L.Gregorian, E.Kroupp, G.Davara and Y.Maron | Spectroscopic investigations of the plasma behavior in a gas-puff Z-pinch device. |
15:20-15:50 | Coffee Break and Posters |
IV. Radiation Sources and Plasma Applications |
Chairperson: Joseph Shiloh
15:50-16:10 | A.Gover, J.Shiloh and A.Levin | The Israeli Tandem FEL: options for development of a wide spectral range radiation Source. |
16:10-16:30 | E.Jerby, Li Lei, M.Korol, A.Keisar and R.Drori | Cyclotron-resonance Maser array - A new concept for high power microwave radiators. |
16:30-16:50 | Ya.E.Krasik, A.Dunaevsky and J.Felsteiner | Observation of high-frequency oscillations in a diode with an active plasma cathode. |
16:50-17:10 | Y.Raitses, J.Ashkenazy, G.Appelbaum, N.Narkis and A.Fruchtman | A study of voltage-potential distribution in Hall current accelerators. |
17:10-17:30 | Yu.V.Ralchenko, R.Arad, V.Fisher, K.Tsigutkin, A.Weingarten and Y.Maron | Measurements and kinetic modeling of the highly transient (non-Maxwellian) plasmas in plasma opening devices. |
V. Posters
S.G.Wang, R.L.Boxman and S.Goldsmith | Measurement of Carbon Ion Current Output from a Filtered Vacuum Arc Source. | |
R.Doron, E.Behar, P.Mandelbaum and J.L.Schwob | The Importance of Dielectronic Recombination in the Spectra of Laser-Produced Xenon and Barium Plasmas. | |
N.Narkiss, J.Ashkenazy, G.Appelbaum, Y.Raitses | Arc Discharge Hollow Cathodes for Space Propulsion Applications. | |
S.S.Kharintsev | Spectral lines broadening in the fractional oscillation model. | |
Y.Horovitz, S.Eliezer, Z.Henis, Y.Paiss, E.Moshe, A.Ludmirsky, M.Werdiger and B.Arad | Measurements of the inverse Faraday effect and absorption of circularly polarized laser light in plasmas produced by laser light iun the range of intensities 109-1014 W/cm2. | |
A.Abramovich and A.Gover | Investigation and simulation of the electron energy spread resulting from beam-wave interaction in the Israeli Tandem FEL. | |
A.Abramovich, M.Arbel, L.Gilutin, H.Kleinman, A.Eichenbaum, I.M.Yakover and A.Gover | Efficiency enhancement of the TAU pre-bunched free-electron maser oscillator by locking to a single eigen-frequency of the resonator. | |
A.Weingarten, A.Fruchtman, Ya.E.Krasik and Y.Maron | Spectroscopic investigation of the plasma density and magnetic field in a short duration plasma opening switch. | |
R.Ben-Ami, V.N.Zhitomirsky, R.L.Boxman and S.Goldsmith | Plasma distribution in a triple cathode vacuum arc deposition apparatus. | |
A.Eichenbaum, H.Kleinman, M.Arbel and A.Gover | Versatile e-beam prebuncher for FEMs and other high power beam devices. | |
Yu.Dolinsky and T.Elperin | Inductive instability in heterogeneous nonstationary systems. |