Contest for a logo for IPSATS

Dear Colleagues:                

At the business meeting to be held on Tuesday at 1315 during the
conference, a takanon will presumably be adopted for the Israel Plasma
Science and Technology Society, at which point our organization will come
into 'official' existence. It will then need officers, a bank account,
literature, stationary, corporate jet, etc., etc., AND an official 'logo'.

A logo design contest is hereby announced.

Submissions: in the form of a jpg or gif file
on disk or via e-mail to Yuri Ralchenko, fnralch@plasma-gate.weizmann.ac.il.

The winning entry will become the property of the society. All contestants
must state that their entries are original.


Yuri will post the entries (anonymously) as they arrive on the Israel
Plasma Forum web page.

Criteria: (in the following order)

        1) conveying the idea of plasma science and technology
        2) conveying the idea of Israel
        3) attractiveness (should look good both in color and in black and white)

Balloting will be via open to everyone visiting the web site, via a ballot
box on the site.

Entries are due by 24 March. Balloting will be between 25 March and 24 April.

Prize: one year membership in the Israel Plasma Science and Technology
Society, and free admission at the next Israel Plasma Conference.

So, all you creative doodlers, get busy!

Prof. Raymond (Reuven) Boxman, director
Electrical Discharge and Plasma Laboratory
Tel Aviv University
Faculty of Engineering
POB 39040 
Tel Aviv 69978

Tel:            972-3-640 7364
Fax:            972-3-641 0189
www:            http://www.eng.tau.ac.il/Users/boxman/index.html

Entry No.1 (March 11)
Hosted by the WIS Plasma Laboratory