################################################################################ # # qooxdoo - the new era of web development # # http://qooxdoo.org # # Copyright: # 2006-2007 1&1 Internet AG, Germany, http://www.1and1.org # # License: # LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html # EPL: http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php # See the LICENSE file in the project's top-level directory for details. # # Authors: # * Sebastian Werner (wpbasti) # * Andreas Ecker (ecker) # * Fabian Jakobs (fjakobs) # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # SETTINGS ################################################################################ # # Path to the folder of your qooxdoo distribution. # Can either be # a) a relative path to the location of this Makefile (preferred) or # b) an absolute path starting at the root of your file system # Example: If you put the skeleton folder next to the qooxdoo SDK folder, # you can use the following relative path: # QOOXDOO_PATH = ../../qooxdoo-0.7-sdk # Please note that Windows users should always use relative paths. # It should end with the last directory. Please omit a trailing slash. # QOOXDOO_PATH = ../qooxdoo-0.7.2-sdk # # Namespace of your application # APPLICATION_NAMESPACE = pf # # Files that will be copied from the source directory into the build # directory (space separated list). The default list is empty. # APPLICATION_FILES = index.html #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For a full list and description of available application settings, please # see the APPLICATION variables in file # $(QOOXDOO_PATH)/frontend/framework/tool/make/application.mk # Add any of those variables for your custom configuration here: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ################################################################################ # INTERNALS (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE) ################################################################################ ifneq ($(QOOXDOO_PATH),PLEASE_DEFINE_QOOXDOO_PATH) include $(QOOXDOO_PATH)/frontend/framework/tool/make/targets.mk include $(QOOXDOO_PATH)/frontend/framework/tool/make/application.mk endif error: @echo " * Please configure QOOXDOO_PATH"