1-d and 2-d fluid and MHD codes
A contour plot of a 2-d fluid simulation plot
of a jet with a Mach number of 20 entering an ambient pressure-matched
Fluid codes simply solve the fluid equations (Eulerian or Lagrangian)
on a finite-difference grid. There are other kinds of fluid codes
that use finite-element techniques, but I don't know too much about
Most of my work has been on radiation hydrodynamics of astrophysical
jets, like the one in SS 433 in the W50 Supernova remnant. I am now
working on codes to model the high-density Z-pinch
experiment at the Plasma Laboratory at the Weizmann Institute.
Recent References:
- W. Peter and D. Eichler, "Inertial
collimation of astrophysical jets",
to be published in The Astrophysical
Journal (Dec. 10, 1994).
- W. Peter and D. Eichler, "Hydrodynamic collimation
of precessing jets" The
Astrophysical Journal 417, 170 (1993).
- W. Peter and D. Eichler, "Jet collimation by
combining axisward motion and cooling," submitted
to The Astrophysical Journal.
Bill Peter (peter@wicc.weizmann.ac.il)