A Brief Look at Me....
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This is the celestial body that I live on. I usually spend my time in the clouds flying on airplanes between different places on land. Check out the city of my birth, Haifa, Israel. A pleasant city on the Eastern Mediterranean.
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Linux is my favorite operating system. It's free. Works on Intel hardware. Forget Microsoft. Forget Bill Gates. Linux forever! Tel-Aviv. My favorite city. It never sleeps. Walk along the Mediterranean. Drink some espresso. Listen to Shlomo Artzi or Izhar Ashdot
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Part of my job is to do advanced simulations of collective systems in physics. This includes 1-d and 2-d fluid and MHD codes, 2-d and 3-d particle-in-cell codes for plasmas, and N-body codes for simulating galactic structure. For many of these calculations, I use a supercomputer, like the Cray J90 here at the Weizmann Institute. I always listen to music, like the Israeli group Ethnix (their latest CD is shown above), Shlomo Artzi, Izhar Ashdot, Dire Straits, Eric Clapton. I also like Bach, the Blues, and almost all kinds of music (even Rap).
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Some of the things I like are strolling down European boulevards, seeing the paintings of Van Gogh or the sculpture of Rodin. Reading Baudelaire and Shakespeare. Trying to communicate in American Sign Language, Chinese, French, or Arabic. Hearing women laugh. Seeing the Mediterranean. When I am not in Israel, I live in the Washington DC area. Nice place. Good Metro. Terrible weather. People are not so bad either.