Refereed Publications
Note: My Erdös number is 5. See hereThe secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."---Einstein
W. Peter, A. H. Najmi, and H. Burkom
Reducing false alarms in syndromic surveillance
Statistics in Medicine (accepted for publication).D. Bruhwiler et al.
PIC simulations of CTR from electron bunches exiting a plasma
in preparation.H. S. Burkom, Y. Elbert, S. F. Magruder, A. H. Najmi, W. Peter, and M. W. Thompson
Developments in the roles, features, and evaluation of alerting algorithms for disease outbreak monitoring
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest 27, 4, pp. 313-331 (2008).Linda Moniz and William Peter
Application of nonlinear data analysis methods to locating disease clusters
presented at the 10th Experimental Chaos Conference, Catania, Italy (2008).W. Peter, A. H. Najmi, and H. Burkom
Minimizing false alarms in syndromic surveillance
Advances in Disease Surveillance 4, 108 (2007).William Peter
Quiet Direct Simulation Monte-Carlo with random timesteps
Journal of Computational Physics 221, 1, doi:10.1016/ (2007).M. B. Lobrano et al.
High-resolution Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography with compression is highly accurate in depicting primary breast cancer
The Breast Journal 12, 309 doi:10.1111/j.1075-122X.2006.00269.x (2006).K. Papadopoulos, T. Wallace, G.M. Milikh, W. Peter, M. McCarrick, and C.L. Chang
Reply to comment on "The magnetic response of the ionosphere to pulsed HF heating" by M.T. Rietveld and P. Stubbe
Geophysical Research Letters 32, L13101 10.1029/2005GL025253 (2006).K. Papadopoulos, T. Wallace, G.M. Milikh, W. Peter, M. McCarrick
The magnetic response of the ionosphere to pulsed HF heating
Geophysical Research Letters 32, L13101 10.1029/2005GL023185 (2005).I.N. Weinberg et al.
Application of a PET device with 1.5 mm FWHM intrinsic spatial resolution to breast cancer imaging
IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: Macro to Nano, ISBN: 0-7803-8388-5, p. 1396 (2004).W. Peter, J. Chiochetti, and C. Giardina
New unsupervised clustering algorithm for large datasets
KDD-2003, the Ninth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, ISBN: 1-58113-737-0, p. 643 (2003).J.A. Nation, L. Schachter, F.M. Mako, L.K. Len, W. Peter, C.-M. Tang, and T. Rao-Srinivasan
Advances in cold cathode physics and technology
Proceedings of the IEEE 87, 865 (1999).E. Griv and W. Peter
Stability of the stellar disks of flat galaxies: III. The effect of collisions
The Astrophysical Journal 469, 103 (1996).E. Griv and W. Peter
Stability of the stellar disks of flat galaxies: II. The effect of spatial inhomogeneity
The Astrophysical Journal 469, 99 (1996).E. Griv and W. Peter
Stability of the stellar disks of flat galaxies: I. A collisionless, homogeneous system
The Astrophysical Journal 469, 84 (1996).W. Peter and D. Eichler
Jet collimation by combining axisward motion and cooling
The Astrophysical Journal 466, 840 (1996).W. Peter and D. Eichler
Inertial collimation of astrophysical jets
The Astrophysical Journal 438, 244 (1995).E. Griv, T. Chiueh, and W. Peter
The weakly nonlinear theory of density waves in a stellar disk
Physica A 205, 299 (1994).E. Harold, B. Bukiet, and W. Peter
Maximum projectile velocity in an augmented railgun
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics MAG-30, 1433 (1994).E. Griv and W. Peter
Theoretical and numerical investigation of the stability of flattened galaxies
Ergodic Concepts in Stellar Dynamics, D. Pfenniger and V. G. Gurzadyan, Eds., in Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 430, p. 235 (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1994).W. Peter, E. Griv, and A.L. Peratt
Computer Simulations of Galaxies
Progress in New Cosmologies, H. Arp, C.R. Keys, and K. Rudnicki, Eds. (Plenum Press, Cambridge, 1993), p. 237.W. Peter and D. Eichler
Hydrodynamic collimation of precessing jets
The Astrophysical Journal 417, 170 (1993).F.M. Mako and W. Peter
A high-current micro-pulse electron gun
Proc. of the 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington, D.C., (IEEE, New York, 1993), p. 2702.M.E. Jones, R. Keinigs, and W. Peter
Transverse wakefields in dielectric wakefield accelerators
Physical Review A 46, 5183 (1992).W. Peter and E. Garate
Stimulated Cherenkov emission in dielectric-lined waveguides
Physical Review A 45, 8333 (1992).W. Peter
Electrode shapes for high-power diodes with non-space-charge-limited flow
Journal of Applied Physics 71, 3197 (1992).M. Gedalin and W. Peter
Particle acceleration mechanisms in the auroral acceleration region
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science PS-20, 740 (1992).D.S. Lemons and W. Peter
Gravitational instability in a coasting universe
Astronomy and Astrophysics 265, 373 (1992).W. Peter
Two-beam virtual cathode accelerator
Proc. of the 1992 International Conference on Particle Beams, Washington, D.C., D. Mosher and G. Cooperstein, Eds., p. 1819, (1992).W. Peter, E. Garate, W. Main, and A. Fisher
High-gain X-band dielectric Cherenkov maser amplifier
Physical Review Letters 65, 2989 (1990).E. P. Garate et al.
Operation of an x-band dielectric Cherenkov maser amplifer
Intense Microwave and Particle Beams, Howard E. Brandt, Ed., Proceedings of SPIE 1226, 238 (1990).A.L. Peratt, W. Peter, and C.M. Snell
3-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations of spiral galaxies
Galactic and Intergalactic Magnetic Fields, R. Beck et al., Eds. (IAU, Netherlands, 1990), p. 143.W. Peter and A.L. Peratt
Synchrotron radiation spectrum from galactic-sized plasma filaments
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science PS-18, 49 (1990).M.E. Jones and W. Peter
Theory of high-brightness electron beam production from photocathodes
Particle Accelerators 24, 231 (1989).R. Keinigs, M.E. Jones and W. Peter
A comparison of the dielectric and plasma wakefield accelerators
Physics of Fluids B1, 1872 (1989).W. Peter and R. Keinigs
Applicability of plasma wakefield acceleration to electric propulsion
The Case for Mars III: Strategies for Exploration - Technical, C. Stoker, Ed. (Univelt, San Diego, CA, 1989), p. 423.M.E. Jones, R. Keinigs, S.C. Wilks, and W. Peter
Cherenkov wakefiled accelerators: rippled waveguides
Advanced Accelerator Concepts, AIP Conference Proceedings 193, C. Joshi, Ed., p. 152, (American Institute of Physics, New York, 1989).W. Peter and T.J.T. Kwan
Microwave propagation through an appertured coaxial waveguide
Physical Review A 38, 4743 (1988).W. Peter and A.L. Peratt
Thermalization of synchrotron radiation from field-aligned currents
Laser and Particle Beams 6, 492 (1988).W. Peter, R.J. Faehl, and M.E. Jones
Analysis of a microwave electron gun for accelerator applications
Particle Accelerators 21, 59 (1987).M.E. Jones and W. Peter
Theory and simulation of high-brightness electron beam production from laser-irradiated photocathodes in the presence of dc and rf electric fields
Presented at the 6th International Conference on High Power Particle Beams, Kobe, Japan (1986).W. Peter
Time-dependent interaction between space plasmas and transverse magnetic fields
IEEE Trans. Plasma Science PS-14, 925 (1986).W. Peter, R.J. Faehl, C. Snell, and M.E. Jones
Collective ion acceleration by means of virtual cathodes
IEEE Trans. Nuclear Science NS-32, 3506 (1985).R.J. Faehl and W. Peter
Considerations on collective ion acceleration as an intense ion injector
IEEE Trans. Nuclear Science NS-32, 3500 (1985).A. Kadish, W. Peter, and M.E. Jones
A generalization of the Child-Langmuir relation for one-dimensional time-dependent diodes
IEEE Trans. Nuclear Science NS-32, 2576 (1985).W. Peter and N. Rostoker
Interaction of a rotating relativistic electron beam with a plasma
Physics of Fluids 28, 1532 (1985).W. Peter
Vacuum breakdown and surface coating of rf cavities
Journal of Applied Physics 56, 1546 (1984).W. Peter, R.J. Faehl, A. Kadish, and L.E. Thode
Criteria for vacuum breakdown in rf cavities
IEEE Transaction on Nuclear Science NS-30, 3453 (1983).W. Peter, A. Ron, and N. Rostoker
Instability of the boundary layer between a streaming plasma and a vacuum magnetic field
Physics of Fluids 26, 2276 (1983).W. Peter and N. Rostoker
Theory of plasma injection into a magnetic field
Physics of Fluids 25, 730 (1982).S. Roberston, H. Ishizuka, W. Peter, and N. Rostoker
Propagation of an intense ion beam transverse to a magnetic field
Physical Review Letters 47, 508 (1981).W. Peter, A. Ron, and N. Rostoker
Propagation of a wide ion beam into a magnetic barrier
Physics of Fluids 22, 1471 (1979).C.W. Roberson et al.
Reversed magnetic fields induced by a rotating electron beam
Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion, Vol. II. (International Atomic Energy Association, Vienna, 1979), p. 509.