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@inproceedings{kroupp:2007b, author = {E.~Kroupp and L.~Gregorian and G.~Davara and A.~Starobinets and E.~Stambulchik and Y.~Maron and Yu.~Ralchenko and S.~Alexiou},
booktitle = {Atomic Processes in Plasmas},
doi = {10.1063/1.2768825},
editor = {John D.~Gillaspy and John J.~Curry and Wolfgang L.~Wiese},
number = {926},
pages = {4--7},
publisher = {AIP},
series = {AIP Conf. Proc.},
title = {Spectroscopic Investigation of the Particle Density and Motion in an Imploding z-Pinch Plasma},
volume = {926},
year = {2007},
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