Yuri Zarnitsky

Contact Information:
Tel: 972-8-9342100
Fax: 972-8-9343491
Bldg.: K.B. Weissman Institute of Physical Sciences
Room: 128
Email: Yuri.Zarnitsky at weizmann.ac.il
Major research interests:
X-ray plasma spectroscopy, gas-discharge light (UV) sources, weakly-ionized plasma turbulence.
List of publications:
Maron, Y., Bernshtam, V., Zarnitsky, Y., Fisher, V., Nedostup, O., Ampleford, D. J., Jennings, C. A., Jones, B., Cuneo, M. E., Rochau, G. A., Dunham, G. S., and Loisel, G. P.Domination of the K-Radiation at a Z-Pinch Stagnation on Z by Numerous Tiny Spots and the Properties of the Spots Inferred by Experimental Determination of the K-Line Opacities
Giuliani, J. L., Thornhill, J. W., Kroupp, E., Osin, D., Maron, Y., Dasgupta, A., Apruzese, J. P., Velikovich, A. L., Chong, Y. K., Starobinets, A., Fisher, V., Zarnitsky, Yu., Bernshtam, V., Fisher, A., Mehlhorn, T. A., and Deeney, C.Effective versus ion thermal temperatures in the Weizmann Ne z-pinch: Modeling and stagnation physics
Blesener, K.S., Pikuz, S.A., Shelkovenko, T.A., Blesener, I.C., Hammer, D.A., Maron, Y., Bernshtam, V., Doron, R., Weingarten, L., and Zarnitsky, Y.Measuring magnetic fields in single aluminum wire plasmas with time-resolved optical spectroscopy
Effect of radiative cascades on intensities of dielectronic satellites to Heα
E. Kroupp, D. Carasso, D. Osin, A. Starobinets, V. Bernshtam, V.I. Fisher, Yu. Ralchenko, Yu. Zarnitsky, Y. Maron, I. Uschmann, E. Forster, and A. FisherHigh-resolution spectroscopic X-ray diagnostics for studying the ion kinetic energy and plasma properties in a Z-pinch at stagnation
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Modified on: 2017-07-09
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