Alexander Starobinets

Contact Information:
Tel: 972-8-9342049
Fax: 972-8-9343491
Bldg.: K.B. Weissman Institute of Physical Sciences
Email: Alexander.Starobinets at
Major research interests
Plasma spectroscopy: determination of the plasma characteristics and analysis of plasma behavior, usually by means of collisional-radiative calculations. Atomic physics: calculation of the elementary process data for the plasma spectroscopy purposes.
List of publications
Maron, Y., Doron, R., Cvejić, M., Stambulchik, E., Mikitchuk, D., Stollberg, C., Queller, T., Kroupp, E., Rosenzweig, G., Rubinstein, B., Biswas, S., Bernshtam, V., Nedostup, O., Litmanovich, V., Fisher, V., Starobinets, A., Fruchtman, A., Fisher, A., Tangri, V., Giuliani, J. L., Velikovich, A. L., Dasgupta, A., Ochs, I. E., Kolmes, E. J., Mlodik, M. E., Davidovits, S., Fisch, N. J., and Johnston, M. D.Spectroscopic determination of magnetic fields in pulsed-power and high-energy-density plasmas
Rosenzweig, G., Kroupp, E., Queller, T., Starobinets, A., Maron, Y., Tangri, V., Giuliani, J. L., and Fruchtman, A.Local measurements of the spatial magnetic field distribution in a z-pinch plasma during and near stagnation using polarization spectroscopy
Determination of the ion temperature in a high-energy-density plasma using the Stark effect
Determination of the ion temperature in a high-energy-density plasma using the Stark effect
Kroupp, E., Stambulchik, E., Starobinets, A., Osin, D., Fisher, V. I., Alumot, D., Maron, Y., Davidovits, S., Fisch, N. J., and Fruchtman, A.Turbulent stagnation in a Z-pinch plasma
Rosenzweig, G., Kroupp, E., Starobinets, A., Fisher, A., Maron, Y., Strauss, H. R., Giuliani, J. L., Thornhill, J. W., and Velikovich, A. L.Measurements of the magnetic field distribution in a z-pinch plasma during and near stagnation, using polarization spectroscopy
Giuliani, J. L., Thornhill, J. W., Kroupp, E., Osin, D., Maron, Y., Dasgupta, A., Apruzese, J. P., Velikovich, A. L., Chong, Y. K., Starobinets, A., Fisher, V., Zarnitsky, Yu., Bernshtam, V., Fisher, A., Mehlhorn, T. A., and Deeney, C.Effective versus ion thermal temperatures in the Weizmann Ne z-pinch: Modeling and stagnation physics
Measurements of the time-dependent spatial magnetic field distribution and structure of a Z-pinch plasma throughout the stagnation process
Maron, Y., Starobinets, A., Fisher, V. I., Kroupp, E., Osin, D., Fisher, A., Deeney, C., Coverdale, C. A., Lepell, P. D., Yu, E. P., Jennings, C., Cuneo, M. E., Herrmann, M. C., Porter, J. L., Mehlhorn, T. A., and Apruzese, J. P.Pressure and energy balance of stagnating plasmas in z-pinch experiments: Implications to current flow at stagnation
Alumot, D., Kroupp, E., Stambulchik, E., Osin, D., Starobinets, A., Benrshtam, V., Weingarten, L., Maron, Y., Uschmann, I., and Fisher, A.Investigation of the hydromotion and ion and electron temperatures of stagnating Z-pinch plasma using time- and space-resolved K-line spectra
Alumot, D., Kroupp, E., Stambulchik, E., Osin, D., Starobinets, A., Benrshtam, V., Weingarten, L., Maron, Y., Uschmann, I., and Fisher, A.Investigation of the dynamics of stagnating high-energy-density plasma using a novel technique for the determination of the ion temperature
Osin, D., Kroupp, E., Starobinets, A., Rosenzweig, G., Alumot, D., Maron, Y., Fisher, A., Yu, E., Giuliani, J. L., and Deeney, C.Evolution of MHD Instabilities in Plasma Imploding Under Magnetic Field
Kroupp, E., Osin, D., Starobinets, A., Fisher, V., Bernshtam, V., Weingarten, L., Maron, Y., Uschmann, I., Förster, E., Fisher, A., Cuneo, M. E., Deeney, C., and Giuliani, J. L.Ion Temperature and Hydrodynamic-Energy Measurements in a Z-Pinch Plasma at Stagnation
Jones, B., Jennings, C. A., Bailey, J. E., Rochau, G. A., Maron, Y., Coverdale, C. A., Yu, E. P., Hansen, S. B., Ampleford, D. J., Lake, P. W., Dunham, G., Cuneo, M. E., Deeney, C., Fisher, D. V., V. I. Fisher, Bernshtam, V., Starobinets, A., and Weingarten, L.Doppler measurement of implosion velocity in fast Z-pinch x-ray sources
J.L. Giuliani, J.W. Thornhill, A. Velikovich, J.P. Apruzese, A. Dasgupta, J. Davis, S. Zalesak, R. Clark, E. Kroupp, D. Osin, A. Starobinets, E. Stambulchik, V. Bernshtam, V. Fisher, Y. Maron, A. Fisher, and C. DeeneyStagnation dynamics of a Ne gas puff z pinch
J.L. Giuliani, J.W. Thornhill, A. Dasgupta, J.P. Apruzese, J. Davis, D. Osin, E. Kroupp, A. Starobinets, E. Stambulchik, V. Fisher, V. Bernshtam, Y. Maron, A. Fisher, and C. DeeneyThermalization of the ion kinetic energy in a Ne gas puff pinch model
E. Kroupp, D. Osin, A. Starobinets, V. I. Fisher, V. Bernshtam, Y. Maron, I. Uschmann, E. Förster, A. Fisher, and C. DeeneyIon-kinetic-energy measurements and energy balance in a Z-pinch plasma at stagnation
E. Kroupp, L. Gregorian, G. Davara, A. Starobinets, E. Stambulchik, Y. Maron, Yu. Ralchenko, and S. AlexiouSpectroscopic Investigation of the Particle Density and Motion in an Imploding z-Pinch Plasma
L. Gregorian, E. Kroupp, G. Davara, V. I. Fisher, A. Starobinets, V. A. Bernshtam, A. Fisher, and Y. MaronElectron density and ionization dynamics in an imploding z-pinch plasma
L. Gregorian, E. Kroupp, G. Davara, A. Starobinets, V. I. Fisher, V. A. Bernshtam, Yu. V. Ralchenko, Y. Maron, A. Fisher, and D.H.H. HoffmannElectron-temperature and energy-flow history in an imploding plasma
R. Doron, R. Arad, K. Tsigutkin, D. Osin, A. Weingarten, A. Starobinets, V.A. Bernshtam, E. Stambulchik, Yu.V. Ralchenko, Y. Maron, A. Fruchtman, A. Fisher, J.D. Huba, and M. RothPlasma dynamics in pulsed strong magnetic fields
D. Osin, R. Doron, R. Arad, K. Tsigutkin, A. Starobinets, V. Bernshtam, A. Fisher, A. Fruchtman, Y. Maron, and A. TauschwitzOn the role of the plasma composition in the magnetic field evolution in plasma opening switches
K. Tsigutkin, E. Kroupp, E. Stambulchik, D. Osin, R. Doron, R. Arad, A. Starobinets, Y. Maron, I. Uschmann, E. Förster, and A. FisherDiagnostics and Investigations of the Plasma and Field Properties in Pulsed-Plasma Configurations
Osin, D., Arad, R., Tsigutkin, K., Doron, R., Starobinets, A., Bernshtam, V., Maron, Y., Fruchtman, A., and Fisher, A.The role of the plasma composition in the magnetic field evolution in plasma opening switches
Excitation Cross Sections for Li-like Ions of Beryllium and Boron
E. Kroupp, D. Carasso, D. Osin, A. Starobinets, V. Bernshtam, V.I. Fisher, Yu. Ralchenko, Yu. Zarnitsky, Y. Maron, I. Uschmann, E. Forster, and A. FisherHigh-resolution spectroscopic X-ray diagnostics for studying the ion kinetic energy and plasma properties in a Z-pinch at stagnation
Investigation of Ne IX and Ne X line emission from dense plasma using Ross-filter systems
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Modified on: 2017-07-09
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