Dror Alumot

Contact Information:
Tel: 972-8-9342677
Fax: 972-8-9343491
Bldg.: K.B. Weissman Institute of Physical Sciences
Room: 143
Email: Dror.Alumot at weizmann.ac.il
Major research interests:
List of publications:
Determination of the ion temperature in a high-energy-density plasma using the Stark effect
Determination of the ion temperature in a high-energy-density plasma using the Stark effect
Kroupp, E., Stambulchik, E., Starobinets, A., Osin, D., Fisher, V. I., Alumot, D., Maron, Y., Davidovits, S., Fisch, N. J., and Fruchtman, A.Turbulent stagnation in a Z-pinch plasma
Examination of the spatial-response uniformity of a microchannel-plate detector using a pulsed high-voltage electron gun
Alumot, D., Kroupp, E., Stambulchik, E., Osin, D., Starobinets, A., Benrshtam, V., Weingarten, L., Maron, Y., Uschmann, I., and Fisher, A.Investigation of the hydromotion and ion and electron temperatures of stagnating Z-pinch plasma using time- and space-resolved K-line spectra
Alumot, D., Kroupp, E., Stambulchik, E., Osin, D., Starobinets, A., Benrshtam, V., Weingarten, L., Maron, Y., Uschmann, I., and Fisher, A.Investigation of the dynamics of stagnating high-energy-density plasma using a novel technique for the determination of the ion temperature
Osin, D., Kroupp, E., Starobinets, A., Rosenzweig, G., Alumot, D., Maron, Y., Fisher, A., Yu, E., Giuliani, J. L., and Deeney, C.Evolution of MHD Instabilities in Plasma Imploding Under Magnetic Field
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Modified on: 2017-07-09
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