Emission spectroscopy
- Collect light from the experiment with spatial, temporal and spectral resolutions.
- Enable light collections within a broad spectral range (visible, UV, Vacuum UV, x-UV, x-ray).
- Maximize the light collection efficiency.

- Use of different light collection systems - mirrors, lenses, beamsplitters, polarizers, optical fibers.
- The light is dispersed using gratings (visible, UV, VUV), crystals (x-ray), or Ross filters (x-ray).
- The light is detected using: photomultipliers or with time dispersers (streak cameras) coupled to CCD cameras.
- Measurements of atomic and ionic spectral line emission from the x-ray to near IR wavelength range.
- Application of polarization-dependent spectroscopy.
- Determination of the non-equilibrium plasma conditions.
- Measurement of the electromagnetic fields.
- Non-intrusive measurements.
- High spatial and temporal resolutions.
- High spectral resolution and flexible spectral selectivity.
Applications in our laboratory
- Experimental studies of the density, temperature and velocity distributions of atoms and ions including the charge-state distributions of different ions.
- Investigations of electric and magnetic fields inside the plasma and their interaction with the non-equilibrium plasma.
- Study of the onset of turbulence in current-carrying plasmas.
- Study the physics of dense plasmas and their interaction with radiation.
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Modified on: 2010-05-27
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