Plasma Laboratory - Weizmann Institute of Science

Guy Rosenzweig

Dror Alumot

Contact Information:

Tel: 972-8-9342677
Fax: 972-8-9343491
Bldg.: K.B. Weissman Institute of Physical Sciences
Room: 143
Email: Guy.Rosenzweig at


Major research interests:


List of publications:


  • Tangri, V., Queller, T., Kroupp, E., Dasgupta, A., Rosenzweig, G., Giuliani, J. L., and Maron, Y.
    Simulations of nozzle gas flow and gas-puff Z-pinch implosions on the Weizmann Z-pinch
    Phys. Plasmas 31, 072703 (2024). DOI BibTeX PDF


  • Maron, Y., Doron, R., Cvejić, M., Stambulchik, E., Mikitchuk, D., Stollberg, C., Queller, T., Kroupp, E., Rosenzweig, G., Rubinstein, B., Biswas, S., Bernshtam, V., Nedostup, O., Litmanovich, V., Fisher, V., Starobinets, A., Fruchtman, A., Fisher, A., Tangri, V., Giuliani, J. L., Velikovich, A. L., Dasgupta, A., Ochs, I. E., Kolmes, E. J., Mlodik, M. E., Davidovits, S., Fisch, N. J., and Johnston, M. D.
    Spectroscopic determination of magnetic fields in pulsed-power and high-energy-density plasmas
    IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 51, 3407–3425 (2023). DOI BibTeX PDF


  • Rosenzweig, G., Kroupp, E., Queller, T., Starobinets, A., Maron, Y., Tangri, V., Giuliani, J. L., and Fruchtman, A.
    Local measurements of the spatial magnetic field distribution in a z-pinch plasma during and near stagnation using polarization spectroscopy
    Phys. Plasmas 27, 022705 (2020). DOI BibTeX PDF


  • Rosenzweig, G., Kroupp, E., Fisher, A., and Maron, Y.
    Measurements of the spatial magnetic field distribution in a z-pinch plasma throughout the stagnation process
    JINST 12, P09004 (2017). DOI BibTeX PDF


  • Rosenzweig, G., Kroupp, E., Starobinets, A., Fisher, A., Maron, Y., Strauss, H. R., Giuliani, J. L., Thornhill, J. W., and Velikovich, A. L.
    Measurements of the magnetic field distribution in a z-pinch plasma during and near stagnation, using polarization spectroscopy
    In 2015 IEEE 42nd International Conference on Plasma Sciences (ICOPS) (2015), pp. 1–1. DOI BibTeX


  • R. Doron, D. Mikitchuk, C. Stollberg, G. Rosenzweig, E. Stambulchik, E. Kroupp, Y. Maron, and D. A. Hammer
    Determination of magnetic fields based on the Zeeman effect in regimes inaccessible by Zeeman-splitting spectroscopy
    High Energy Density Phys. 10, 56–60 (2014). DOI BibTeX PDF
  • Rosenzweig, G., Kroupp, E., Starobinets, A., Fisher, A., and Maron, Y.
    Measurements of the time-dependent spatial magnetic field distribution and structure of a Z-pinch plasma throughout the stagnation process
    In 2014 IEEE 41st International Conference on Plasma Sciences (ICOPS) (2014), pp. 1–1. DOI BibTeX


  • Osin, D., Kroupp, E., Starobinets, A., Rosenzweig, G., Alumot, D., Maron, Y., Fisher, A., Yu, E., Giuliani, J. L., and Deeney, C.
    Evolution of MHD Instabilities in Plasma Imploding Under Magnetic Field
    Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on 39, 2392–2393 (2011). DOI BibTeX PDF

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