Plasma Laboratory - Weizmann Institute of Science

Main and recent publications

    author    = {Kroupp, E. and Osin, D. and Starobinets, A. and Fisher, V. and Bernshtam, V. and Weingarten, L. and Maron, Y. and Uschmann, I. and F\"orster, E. and Fisher, A. and Cuneo, M. E. and Deeney, C. and Giuliani, J. L.},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.105001},
journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
pages = {105001},
title = {Ion Temperature and Hydrodynamic-Energy Measurements in a $Z$-Pinch Plasma at Stagnation},
volume = {107},
year = {2011},

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Modified on: 2010-05-03

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