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@article{zastrau:2010a, author = {U.~Zastrau and P.~Audebert and V.~Bernshtam and E.~Brambrink and T.~K{\"a}mpfer and E.~Kroupp and R.~Loetzsch and Y.~Maron and Yu.~Ralchenko and H.~Reinholz and G.~R{\"o}pke and A.~Sengebusch and E.~Stambulchik and I.~Uschmann and L.~Weingarten and E.~F{\"o}rster},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.81.026406},
journal = {Phys. Rev. E},
month = {Feb},
number = {2},
pages = {026406},
publisher = {American Physical Society},
title = {Temperature and {$K\alpha$}-yield radial distributions in laser-produced solid-density plasmas imaged with ultra-high-resolution x-ray spectroscopy},
volume = {81},
year = {2010},
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Modified on: 2010-05-03
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