Plasma Laboratory - Weizmann Institute of Science

SLSP Browser Extension

Browser support

The SLSP utility was initially developed as a XUL Firefox extension. However, Firefox dropped support for this type of extensions entirely. There are viable Firefox forks, however, which remain compatible:


  1. Install a compatible browser (see above) if you have not done so yet.
  2. In an active browser window, go to the SLSP utility installation link:
  3. Confirm that you allow the add-on to be installed.
  4. Restart the browser, as suggested.
  5. (Optional) Add the respective shortcut icon to a toolbar, e.g., to the "Add-Ons" toolbar, by right-clicking on the toolbar and selecting the "Customize..." menu. Click it, and you will be presented with a panel of different icons, among them - the SLSP one. Drag it to the toolbar you want to customize, and it should appear there.


To use the utility, either click the shortcut button added, or go to the "Tools" menu and select the "SLSP utility" entry (likely the last one in the list). You will be prompted to confirm the settings (just click "OK"). At this point, a prompt asking for a username and a password should appear. Use your username and password from the forums. Now you should see a window like this one:

Submission of results

You can now "File->Import" and select one or more of your results, formatted according to Sec. 4 of the Call for Submissions. It is recommended that you use the ".xml" extension for file names. If the file(s) are correctly formatted (and there are no bugs in the utility), the case tree on the left will be populated with your results (with the corresponding tree rows becoming yellowish, and the "Status" field displaying "I"):

Check that all panels on the right side display correct data.

When you are ready to submit, choose the subcase(s) desired (multiple selections are possible by pressing and holding down the "Ctrl" key) and select "Submit selected" from the "File" menu. If everything goes well, shortly (please allow for a few seconds per subcase submitted), the corresponding rows should become greenish:

You can repeat the above steps as needed.

A few important things to remember:

  • If you have subcases calculated by more than one code/method, first import & submit results calculated by the first code, then import & submit those calculated by the second one, etc.
  • Until the submission deadline, you can re-submit results (or a subset thereof) as many times as you would like. The respective previous results will be silently overwritten.
  • Always keep your original data files!


To compare your results with other participants' data, use "View->Switch mode->All results". This mode is available after the submission deadline.


Use "View->Switch mode->Analysis" to switch to the analysis mode:

The spectra of the selected subcase(s) will be shown on the right panel. The list of checkboxes at the top of the panel allows for selecting a subset of the results submitted for the given subcase(s). You can use the autoscale and zoom buttons at the top of the plot canvas. "Plot->Spectrum types" sub-menu can be used to select desired polarizations (where applicable), as well as switch between the peak (default) and area normalizations.

In order to view field distribution or field correlation plots, use the "Plot" top menu.

The plot or the underlying data can be exported using the "File->Export plot" or "File->Export data" menu entry, respectively.

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Modified on: 2022-08-23