The 15th Israeli Conference on Plasma Science and Applications
February 4, 2013.
Building 8, Room 400, H.I.T. – Holon Institute of Technology, 52 Golomb St., Holon 58104 (directions to H.I.T.).
Scientific program
The IPSTA 2013 scientific program consists of invited lectures and contributed oral and poster presentations. The conference book is available on-line.
The maximal poster dimensions (WxH) are 90 cm x 120 cm.
Topic categories
- Basic Plasma Physics
- Beams and Coherent Radiation
- Inertial Confinement and High Energy Density Plasmas
- Laser-Matter Interactions
- Magnetic Confinement
- Plasma Diagnostics
- Plasma Sources and Technology
- Space and Astrophysical Plasmas
Invited speakers
- Nathaniel J. Fisch (Princeton University, USA)
- Joshua Jortner (Tel–Aviv University)
- Yitzhak Maron (Weizmann Institute of Science)
Registration and abstract submission
The deadline for abstract submission is Tuesday, January 15, 2013.
The registration fee is 250 NIS (80 NIS for students and retired participants). The fees will be collected (cash only) at the morning of the conference day upon registration.
Program committee
- Reuven Boxman - TAU
- Amnon Fruchtman (Chair) – HIT
- Yakov Krasik - Technion
- H.I.T. – Holon Institute of Technology
IPSTA is affiliated with the Israel Vacuum Society.
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Modified on: 2017-10-30
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