Eyal Kroupp

Contact Information:
Tel: 972-8-9342677
Fax: 972-8-9343491
Bldg.: K.B. Weissman Institute of Physical Sciences
Room: 143
Email: Eyal.Kroupp at weizmann.ac.il
Major research interests:
High-energy density plasmas, interaction of plasmas with intense pulsed magnetic fields and with high-power lasers.
Experimental plasma spectroscopy with ultra-high resolutions in spectrum, space and time, Spectroscopic investigations in the visible, u.v. and x-ray regions including interferometry and laser-induced fluorescence, Fast photography in the visible and x-ray regions, Ross-filter design and measurements, applications of high-current (high-voltage) pulses through plasmas.
List of publications:
Direct visualization of shock front induced nonlinear laser wakefield dynamics
X-ray spectral imaging probes how Sun-like plasma blocks light
Abramowicz, H., Almanza Soto, M., Altarelli, M., A\ssmann, R., Athanassiadis, A., Avoni, G., Behnke, T., Benettoni, M., Benhammou, Y., Bhatt, J., Blackburn, T., Blanch, C., Bonaldo, S., Boogert, S., Borysov, O., Borysova, M., Boudry, V., Breton, D., Brinkmann, R., Bruschi, M., Burkart, F., Bü\sser, K., Cavanagh, N., Dal Corso, F., Decking, W., Deniaud, M., Diner, O., Dosselli, U., Elad, M., Epshteyn, L., Esperante, D., Ferber, T., Firlej, M., Fiutowski, T., Fleck, K., Fuster-Martinez, N., Gadow, K., Gaede, F., Gallas, A., Garcia Cabrera, H., Gerstmayr, E., Ghenescu, V., Giorato, M., Golubeva, N., Grojean, C., Grutta, P., Grzelak, G., Hallford, J., Hartman, L., Heinemann, B., Heinzl, T., Helary, L., Hendriks, L., Hoffmann, M., Horn, D., Huang, S., Huang, X., Idzik, M., Irles, A., Jacobs, R., King, B., Klute, M., Kropf, A., Kroupp, E., Lahno, H., Lasagni Manghi, F., Lawhorn, J., Levanon, A., Levi, A., Levinson, L., Levy, A., Levy, I., Liberman, A., Liss, B., List, B., List, J., Lohmann, W., Maalmi, J., Madlener, T., Malka, V., Marsault, T., Mattiazzo, S., Meloni, F., Miron, D., Morandin, M., Moroń, J., Nanni, J., Neagu, A. T., Negodin, E., Paccagnella, A., Pantano, D., Pietruch, D., Pomerantz, I., Pöschl, R., Potlog, P. M., Prasad, R., Quishpe, R., Ranken, E., Ringwald, A., Roich, A., Salgado, F., Santra, A., Sarri, G., Sävert, A., Sbrizzi, A., Schmitt, S., Schulthess, I., Schuwalow, S., Seipt, D., Simi, G., Soreq, Y., Spataro, D., Streeter, M., Swientek, K., Tal Hod, N., Teter, T., Thiebault, A., Thoden, D., Trevisani, N., Urmanov, R., Vasiukov, S., Walker, S., Warren, M., Wing, M., Yap, Y. C., Zadok, N., Zanetti, M., \.Zarnecki, A. F., Zbińkowski, P., Zembaczyński, K., Zepf, M., Zerwas, D., Ziegler, W., Zuffa, M., and LUXE CollaborationTechnical Design Report for the LUXE experiment
Real-time visualization of the laser-plasma wakefield dynamics
Simulations of nozzle gas flow and gas-puff Z-pinch implosions on the Weizmann Z-pinch
Laser Proton Acceleration from a Near-Critical Imploding Gas Target
Femtosecond electron microscopy of relativistic electron bunches
C. Stollberg, E. Kroupp, D. Mikitchuk, P. Sharma, V. Bernshtam, M. Cvejić, R. Doron, E. Stambulchik, Y. Maron, A. Fruchtman, I. E. Ochs, N. J. Fisch, and U. ShumlakObservation of fast current redistribution in an imploding plasma column
Refractive plasma optics for relativistic laser beams
Maron, Y., Doron, R., Cvejić, M., Stambulchik, E., Mikitchuk, D., Stollberg, C., Queller, T., Kroupp, E., Rosenzweig, G., Rubinstein, B., Biswas, S., Bernshtam, V., Nedostup, O., Litmanovich, V., Fisher, V., Starobinets, A., Fruchtman, A., Fisher, A., Tangri, V., Giuliani, J. L., Velikovich, A. L., Dasgupta, A., Ochs, I. E., Kolmes, E. J., Mlodik, M. E., Davidovits, S., Fisch, N. J., and Johnston, M. D.Spectroscopic determination of magnetic fields in pulsed-power and high-energy-density plasmas
Kaur, J., Ouillé, M., Levy, D., Daniault, L., Robbes, A., Zaïm, N., Flacco, A., Kroupp, E., Malka, V., Haessler, S., and Lopez-Martens, R.High repetition rate relativistic laser–solid–plasma interaction platform featuring simultaneous particle and radiation detection
Cvejić, M., Mikitchuk, D., Kroupp, E., Doron, R., Sharma, P., Maron, Y., Velikovich, A. L., Fruchtman, A., Ochs, I. E., Kolmes, E. J., and Fisch, N. J.Self-generated plasma rotation in a Z-pinch implosion with preembedded axial magnetic field
Kroupp, E., Tata, S., Wan, Y., Levy, D., Smartsev, S., Levine, E. Y., Seemann, O., Adelberg, M., Piliposian, R., Queller, T., Segre, E., Ta Phuoc, K., Kozlova, M., and Malka, V.Commissioning and first results from the new 2x100 TW laser at the WIS
Direct observation of relativistic broken plasma waves
Levy, D., Andriyash, I. A., Haessler, S., Kaur, J., Ouillé, M., Flacco, A., Kroupp, E., Malka, V., and Lopez-Martens, R.Low divergence proton beams from a laser-plasma accelerator at kHz repetition rate
Aybar, N. A., Conti, F., Cvejić, M., Mikitchuk, D., Dozières, M., Kroupp, E., Narkis, J., Maron, Y., and Beg, F. N.Dependence of plasma-current coupling on current rise time in gas-puff Z-pinches
Smartsev, S., Tata, S., Liberman, A., Adelberg, M., Mohanty, A., Levine, E. Y., Seemann, O., Wan, Y., Kroupp, E., Lahaye, R., Thaury, C., and Malka, V.Characterization of spatiotemporal couplings with far-field beamlet cross-correlation
E. Nardi, Z. Zinamon, E. Stambulchik, U. Zastrau, E. Kroupp, I. Uschmann, G. G. Paulus, and Y. MaronTarget heating in femtosecond laser–plasma interactions: Quantitative analysis of experimental data
Aybar, N., Dozieres, M., Reisman, D. B., Cvejić, M., Mikitchuk, D., Conti, F., Kroupp, E., Doron, R., Maron, Y., and Beg, F. N.Azimuthal magnetic field distribution in gas-puff Z-pinch implosions with and without external magnetic stabilization
Hydrodynamic-dissipation relation for characterizing flow stagnation
Rosenzweig, G., Kroupp, E., Queller, T., Starobinets, A., Maron, Y., Tangri, V., Giuliani, J. L., and Fruchtman, A.Local measurements of the spatial magnetic field distribution in a z-pinch plasma during and near stagnation using polarization spectroscopy
On the Stark effect of the O I 777-nm triplet in plasma and laser fields
Levy, D., Bernert, C., Rehwald, M., Andriyash, I. A., Assenbaum, S., Kluge, T., Kroupp, E., Obst-Huebl, L., Pausch, R., Schulze-Makuch, A., Zeil, K., Schramm, U., and Malka, V.Laser-plasma proton acceleration with a combined gas-foil target
Mikitchuk, D., Cvejić, M., Doron, R., Kroupp, E., Stollberg, C., Maron, Y., Velikovich, A. L., Ouart, N. D., Giuliani, J. L., Mehlhorn, T. A., Yu, E. P., and Fruchtman, A.Effects of a preembedded axial magnetic field on the current distribution in a Z-pinch implosion
Determination of the ion temperature in a high-energy-density plasma using the Stark effect
Ochs, I. E., Stollberg, C., Kroupp, E., Maron, Y., Fruchtman, A., Kolmes, E. J., Mlodik, M. E., and Fisch, N. J.Current channel evolution in ideal Z pinch for general velocity profiles
Determination of the ion temperature in a high-energy-density plasma using the Stark effect
Kroupp, E., Stambulchik, E., Starobinets, A., Osin, D., Fisher, V. I., Alumot, D., Maron, Y., Davidovits, S., Fisch, N. J., and Fruchtman, A.Turbulent stagnation in a Z-pinch plasma
Qi, N., Rocco, S. V., Engelbrecht, J., Lavine, E. S., de Grouchy, P., Banasek, J. T., Atoyan, L., Byvank, T., Potter, W. M., Greenly, J. B., Hammer, D. A., Kusse, B. R., Pikuz, S. A., Shelkovenko, T. A., Kroupp, E., Fisher, A., and Maron, Y.Study of triple Ar gas puff Z-pinches on 0.9-MA, 200-ns COBRA
Measurements of the spatial magnetic field distribution in a z-pinch plasma throughout the stagnation process
Zastrau, U., Uschmann, I., Forster, E., Sengebusch, A., Reinholz, H., Ropke, G., Kroupp, E., Stambulchik, E., and Maron, Y.Characteristics of a sub-picosecond titanium Kα source using relativistically intense lasers
N. Qi, P. De Grouchy, W. Potter, J. Banasek, J. Engelbrecht, L. Atoyan, A. D. Cahill, J. B. Greenly, C. L. Hoyt, S. A. Pikuz, T. A. Shelkovenko, D. A. Hammer, B. R. Kusse, Y. K. Chong, J. Giuliani, N. Ouart, W. Thornhill, E. Kroupp, A. Fisher, and Y. MaronNeon and argon multi-nozzle gas puff z-pinch studies on COBRA
Rosenzweig, G., Kroupp, E., Starobinets, A., Fisher, A., Maron, Y., Strauss, H. R., Giuliani, J. L., Thornhill, J. W., and Velikovich, A. L.Measurements of the magnetic field distribution in a z-pinch plasma during and near stagnation, using polarization spectroscopy
R. Doron, D. Mikitchuk, C. Stollberg, G. Rosenzweig, E. Stambulchik, E. Kroupp, Y. Maron, and D. A. HammerDetermination of magnetic fields based on the Zeeman effect in regimes inaccessible by Zeeman-splitting spectroscopy
Giuliani, J. L., Thornhill, J. W., Kroupp, E., Osin, D., Maron, Y., Dasgupta, A., Apruzese, J. P., Velikovich, A. L., Chong, Y. K., Starobinets, A., Fisher, V., Zarnitsky, Yu., Bernshtam, V., Fisher, A., Mehlhorn, T. A., and Deeney, C.Effective versus ion thermal temperatures in the Weizmann Ne z-pinch: Modeling and stagnation physics
Resolving microstructures in Z pinches with intensity interferometry
Absorption-aided x-ray emission tomography of planar targets
Examination of the spatial-response uniformity of a microchannel-plate detector using a pulsed high-voltage electron gun
Qi, N., Rosenberg, E. W., Gourdain, P. A., de Grouchy, P. W. L., Kusse, B. R., Hammer, D. A., Bell, K. S., Shelkovenko, T. A., Potter, W. M., Atoyan, L., Cahill, A. D., Evans, M., Greenly, J. B., Hoyt, C. L., Pikuz, S. A., Schrafel, P. C., Kroupp, E., Fisher, A., and Maron, Y.Study of gas-puff Z-pinches on COBRA
Mikitchuk, D., Stollberg, C., Doron, R., Kroupp, E., Maron, Y., Strauss, H.R., Velikovich, A.L., and Giuliani, J.L.Mitigation of instabilities in a z-pinch plasma by a preembedded axial magnetic field
Measurements of the time-dependent spatial magnetic field distribution and structure of a Z-pinch plasma throughout the stagnation process
Maron, Y., Starobinets, A., Fisher, V. I., Kroupp, E., Osin, D., Fisher, A., Deeney, C., Coverdale, C. A., Lepell, P. D., Yu, E. P., Jennings, C., Cuneo, M. E., Herrmann, M. C., Porter, J. L., Mehlhorn, T. A., and Apruzese, J. P.Pressure and energy balance of stagnating plasmas in z-pinch experiments: Implications to current flow at stagnation
P.-A. Gourdain, R.J. Concepcion, M.T. Evans, J.B. Greenly, D.A. Hammer, C.L. Hoyt, E. Kroupp, B.R. Kusse, Y. Maron, A.S. Novick, S.A. Pikuz, N. Qi, G. Rondeau, E. Rosenberg, P.C. Schrafel, C.E. Seyler, and T.C. ShelkovenkoInitial magnetic field compression studies using gas-puff Z-pinches and thin liners on COBRA
Alumot, D., Kroupp, E., Stambulchik, E., Osin, D., Starobinets, A., Benrshtam, V., Weingarten, L., Maron, Y., Uschmann, I., and Fisher, A.Investigation of the hydromotion and ion and electron temperatures of stagnating Z-pinch plasma using time- and space-resolved K-line spectra
R. Loetzsch, O. Jäckel, S. Höfer, T. Kämpfer, J. Polz, I. Uschmann, M. Kaluza, E. Förster, E. Stambulchik, E. Kroupp, and Y. MaronK-shell spectroscopy of silicon ions in high electric fields
Alumot, D., Kroupp, E., Stambulchik, E., Osin, D., Starobinets, A., Benrshtam, V., Weingarten, L., Maron, Y., Uschmann, I., and Fisher, A.Investigation of the dynamics of stagnating high-energy-density plasma using a novel technique for the determination of the ion temperature
U. Zastrau, A. Sengebusch, P. Audebert, E. Brambrink, R.R. Faüstlin, T. Kämpfer, E. Kroupp, R. Loetzsch, Y. Maron, H. Reinholz, G. Röpke, E. Stambulchik, I. Uschmann, and E. FörsterHigh-resolution radial Kα spectra obtained from a multi-keV electron distribution in solid density titanium foils generated by relativistic laser-matter interaction
Osin, D., Kroupp, E., Starobinets, A., Rosenzweig, G., Alumot, D., Maron, Y., Fisher, A., Yu, E., Giuliani, J. L., and Deeney, C.Evolution of MHD Instabilities in Plasma Imploding Under Magnetic Field
Kroupp, E., Osin, D., Starobinets, A., Fisher, V., Bernshtam, V., Weingarten, L., Maron, Y., Uschmann, I., Förster, E., Fisher, A., Cuneo, M. E., Deeney, C., and Giuliani, J. L.Ion Temperature and Hydrodynamic-Energy Measurements in a Z-Pinch Plasma at Stagnation
S. Tessarin, D. Mikitchuk, R. Doron, E. Stambulchik, E. Kroupp, Y. Maron, D.A. Hammer, V.L. Jacobs, J.F. Seely, B.V. Oliver, and A. FisherBeyond Zeeman spectroscopy: Magnetic-field diagnostics with Stark-dominated line shapes
U. Zastrau, P. Audebert, V. Bernshtam, E. Brambrink, T. Kämpfer, E. Kroupp, R. Loetzsch, Y. Maron, Yu. Ralchenko, H. Reinholz, G. Röpke, A. Sengebusch, E. Stambulchik, I. Uschmann, L. Weingarten, and E. FörsterTemperature and Kα-yield radial distributions in laser-produced solid-density plasmas imaged with ultra-high-resolution x-ray spectroscopy
X-ray tomography of warm dense matter
J.L. Giuliani, J.W. Thornhill, A. Velikovich, J.P. Apruzese, A. Dasgupta, J. Davis, S. Zalesak, R. Clark, E. Kroupp, D. Osin, A. Starobinets, E. Stambulchik, V. Bernshtam, V. Fisher, Y. Maron, A. Fisher, and C. DeeneyStagnation dynamics of a Ne gas puff z pinch
Magnetic Field Measurements in Plasmas: Beyond the Traditional Zeeman Spectroscopy
A. Sengebusch, H. Reinholz, G. Röpke, U. Zastrau, T. Kämpfer, I. Uschmann, E. Förster, E. Stambulchik, E. Kroupp, and Y. MaronK-line emission profiles with focus on the self-consistent calculation of plasma polarization
E. Stambulchik, V. Bernshtam, L. Weingarten, E. Kroupp, D. Fisher, Y. Maron, U. Zastrau, I. Uschmann, F. Zamponi, E. Förster, A. Sengebusch, H. Reinholz, G. Röpke, and Yu. RalchenkoProgress in line-shape modeling of K-shell transitions in warm dense titanium plasmas
J.L. Giuliani, J.W. Thornhill, A. Dasgupta, J.P. Apruzese, J. Davis, D. Osin, E. Kroupp, A. Starobinets, E. Stambulchik, V. Fisher, V. Bernshtam, Y. Maron, A. Fisher, and C. DeeneyThermalization of the ion kinetic energy in a Ne gas puff pinch model
B. Hidding, G. Pretzler, M. Clever, F. Brandl, F. Zamponi, I. Uschmann, A. Lübcke, T. Kämpfer, E. Förster, R. Sauerbrey, E. Kroupp, L. Veisz, K. Schmid, S. Benavides, and S. KarschNovel method for characterizing relativistic electron beams in a harsh laser-plasma environment
E. Kroupp, D. Osin, A. Starobinets, V. I. Fisher, V. Bernshtam, Y. Maron, I. Uschmann, E. Förster, A. Fisher, and C. DeeneyIon-kinetic-energy measurements and energy balance in a Z-pinch plasma at stagnation
E. Kroupp, L. Gregorian, G. Davara, A. Starobinets, E. Stambulchik, Y. Maron, Yu. Ralchenko, and S. AlexiouSpectroscopic Investigation of the Particle Density and Motion in an Imploding z-Pinch Plasma
F. Zamponi, A. Lübcke, T. Kämpfer, I. Uschmann, E. Förster, R. Sauerbrey, B. Hidding, M. Clever, G. Pretzler, E. Kroupp, E. Stambulchik, D. Fisher, Y. Maron, R. Sharon, and M. DeutschX-ray polarization-dependent measurements of solid-density plasmas generated by fs laser pulses
E. Stambulchik, E. Kroupp, D. Fisher, D. Osin, K. Tsigutkin, Y. Maron, I. Uschmann, F. Zamponi, R. Sauerbrey, O. Rosmej, A. Blazevic, and D. HoffmannCalculations of spectral line shapes in dense plasmas and their use for plasma diagnostics
F. Zamponi, A. Lübcke, I. Uschmann, E. Förster, R. Sauerbrey, E. Kroupp, E. Stambulchik, Y. Maron, and D. FisherMeasurement of magnetic field produced by the interaction of ultra-short, ultra-intense fs laser pulse with matter
L. Gregorian, E. Kroupp, G. Davara, V. I. Fisher, A. Starobinets, V. A. Bernshtam, A. Fisher, and Y. MaronElectron density and ionization dynamics in an imploding z-pinch plasma
L. Gregorian, E. Kroupp, G. Davara, A. Starobinets, V. I. Fisher, V. A. Bernshtam, Yu. V. Ralchenko, Y. Maron, A. Fisher, and D.H.H. HoffmannElectron-temperature and energy-flow history in an imploding plasma
K. Tsigutkin, E. Kroupp, E. Stambulchik, D. Osin, R. Doron, R. Arad, A. Starobinets, Y. Maron, I. Uschmann, E. Förster, and A. FisherDiagnostics and Investigations of the Plasma and Field Properties in Pulsed-Plasma Configurations
Use of emission-line intensities for a self-consistent determination of the particle densities in a transient plasma
E. Kroupp, D. Carasso, D. Osin, A. Starobinets, V. Bernshtam, V.I. Fisher, Yu. Ralchenko, Yu. Zarnitsky, Y. Maron, I. Uschmann, E. Forster, and A. FisherHigh-resolution spectroscopic X-ray diagnostics for studying the ion kinetic energy and plasma properties in a Z-pinch at stagnation
Investigation of Ne IX and Ne X line emission from dense plasma using Ross-filter systems
Spectroscopic determination of the magnetic field distribution in an imploding plasma
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Modified on: 2012-01-30
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